Physiotherapy Service at MacLean Medical Practice
Do you have problems with pain in muscles, joints or nerves?
Are you struggling with weakness or stiffness?
These are called musculoskeletal problems and they are usually best assessed by our Advanced Practice Physiotherapist, Becky. You can get an appointment in the surgery on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Physiotherapists are experts in assessing and advising on how to manage these issues and our Advanced Practice Physiotherapist can help you to diagnose and manage your symptoms usually without the requirement to see a GP.
You can access our Advanced Practice Physiotherapist - Becky, by calling our usual MacLean Medical Practice Number - 0141 473 0000. Appointments are available quickly and are usually a one off assessment. The service based in our practice, at both sites, and is different from the physiotherapy service which is based downstairs in Eastwood Health Centre. The physiotherapy department is best placed for managing problems which may require ongoing or lengthy treatments with support on a one to one basis.
You can refer yourself for support from the physiotherapy department via this link- MSK Physiotherapy Self referral form - NHSGGC.
If you are unsure which level of support you require, why not book in to see Becky and she can advise you.